Each year, hundreds of workers are injured on scaffolds in the U.S. alone. The most commonly reported injuries are falls, electrical shocks, and being struck by objects such as scaffolding poles or tools. Scaffolding accidents can result in permanent disability or death, so it’s important to do all you can to keep your workers safe on the job site. You can hire a good shuttering on rent in Bengaluru.
While scaffolding accidents can occur for a number of reasons, some of the most common are:
- Failure to comply with manufacturer and industry guidelines. This includes failing to follow proper methods for getting on or off a scaffold and failure to maintain equipment properly. Ensure that you have all the right documentation before beginning construction, refurbishing or repair work on your scaffolds.
- Failure to wear safety harnesses. Wearing a harness is the most important aspect of ensuring worker security while scaffolding. Wearing a harness is what will keep you and your coworkers safe in the event of a fall. Always wear your safety harness when positioning or adjusting tools or equipment on scaffolding. You can hire scaffolding in Bengaluru.
- Failure to shut off power sources before getting on a scaffold. Ensure that all power source connections and wires are completely disconnected before working on a scaffold, so that if there is an accident, you don’t accidentally cause an electrical shock to yourself or members of your team.
- Failure to inspect the scaffold before use. Look for stress cracks or other signs of damage in all scaffolding parts, and replace parts that have been damaged by winds or other weather-related events.
- Failure to guard edges of structures with an appropriate barrier. If you’re working on a high scaffold, you must use an adequate safety barrier to prevent falls and injuries.
- Failures in construction/design. It’s important to choose a scaffold design that’s appropriate for a given job and to build the scaffolding in accordance with industry standards.
- Not stepping off the top platform of scaffolding to reach or move equipment. Always use ladders or steps when moving onto lower levels of a scaffold; this ensures that if you fall, you will fall into the ladder, not onto the ground below.
- Working on a damaged scaffold structure or damaged equipment. Report any damages immediately so they can be repaired by experienced workers and so your employees will be protected from any potential hazards that may result from using damaged equipment.
- Failure to ensure guardrails are in working order. Railings must be properly secured and safe rails are a crucial safety element of a scaffold. It’s important to inspect them before use, and replace or repair them if they are damaged in any way.
- Failure to wear hard hats, eye protection and other hazard-specific equipment. Hard hats should be worn at all times when on a scaffold, as should goggles or glasses as necessary for your work environment. This is an easy way to protect yourself against falls, debris or other potential workplace hazards.
In the construction industry, there are a lot of different types of scaffolding that can be used for different purposes. Scaffolds are made with a variety of materials and are built at various heights. The two most common types of scaffolding are the formed scaffold and straight ladder scaffold. The form scaffold is mainly used when building a new structure, whereas the straight ladder is mainly used during restoration or repair work on an existing structure.
The main purpose of a working scaffold is to allow workers to complete construction projects faster and more efficiently. Scaffolding also protects workers by enabling them to work high up in unsafe areas without the fear of falling from high places. You must hire scaffolding in Bengaluru.