Disney has contributed significantly to the creation of the fantasy world in which many young girls see their dream wedding. You’ve grown up, but you still want your fairytale. You’ve finally found your prince, but you still want your fairytale. How can you strike a balance between childlike wonder and mature grace?
The solution is to use fairy tale motifs and elements to create a Disney wedding theme without having to dig out your old Disney stationery from elementary school. There are sly ways to include your favorite storylines into your Disney wedding invitation templates, whether it’s blue and yellow Alice in Wonderland wedding invitations, charming Tinkerbell invitations, or Nightmare Before Christmas wedding cards.
Ideas For A Disney Wedding Invite:
Frozen isn’t only about a gorgeous girl in a pretty outfit, as one of the more recent fairytales to hit the big screen. The good news is that your chilly fairytale wedding invites can take on a variety of shapes while remaining on the concept.
Any of the designs above might be easily included in a Frozen-themed wedding, with Haley J.’s ‘Elegant Collection’ with a snowflake-inspired border being ideal for a winter wedding.
It’s all about the gown in Cinderella. Amelia S.’s design, ‘Beach,’ is a tiny nod to Cinderella, yet it nearly matches her dress color. You could choose a princess gown and decorate your hair in a similar way to hers, with your glass slippers peeking out from the hemline as you go down the aisle, of course!
We know you’re all about keeping it elegant, so your Cinderella wedding invitations don’t have to have a trail of mice running along the bottom of the page.
Snow White was the first Disney princess, and she remains famous to this day. The rose represents the flowers around her as she waits for the prince’s kiss, and the white motif for the title makes this design ‘White Lisianthus’ by brilliant artist Mai H. ideal for your Snow White invitations.
Beauty and the Beast wedding invites can be exactly up your alley if you appreciate vivid colors and fantasy tales.
‘Be our guest’ wedding invites would be ideal for a French-themed reception. If your wedding is in the afternoon, serve a delectable high tea with croissants, chocolate eclairs, and meringue. Why should we stop there? Wedding venues with a castle motif can be found all across the country.
Some folks don’t enjoy the concept of connecting their wedding invitations to a certain princess or story, but they still want Disney-inspired wedding invites. That’s perfectly OK.
A photo card like Yunita Y.’s ‘Happily Ever After’ gives you a lot of options. Dress up in Disney-related (or just old-fashioned) apparel for a photoshoot with your fiancé and choose the finest image to use for your wedding invitation. If this describes you, hurry down to your nearest costume shop as soon as possible!
Whether it’s James B.’s ‘Regal Wreath,’ with a classic gold foil, or Stefan A.’s ‘Vintage Cobalt,’ whose green may be a subtle tribute to Merida’s Brave, The Little Mermaid, or The Princess and the Frog,’ these gorgeous designs are exactly the thing to get your guests in the fairytale frame of mind.
It’s entirely up to you how overt you want the Disney elements of your wedding to be. There’s nothing stopping you from going all out – but ask yourself if you’ll still believe it’s worth it if you do.
You can be as broad or as detailed as you like, and no one needs to know you were thinking of Disney. Your once-upon-a-time wedding invitations should be a breeze now that you’ve got all of these ideas!