As the name indicates, this procedure is a wonderful way to rejuvenate the lower and central areas of the face with minimal scarring in both men and women. It is used to smooth away those deep creases that develop as you age between your cheeks and upper lip, define the jawline, and reduce jowls. The fact that it is a fairly simple and quick surgery with a short recovery time makes it a popular choice for many people.
How a Ponytail Facelift Differs
The short scar facelift is also referred to as a ponytail facelift or S-lift facelift. Its name comes from how short the scar is when compared to traditional facelift methods. This short scar is appealing to anyone that likes to wear their hair pulled up in a ponytail or similar hairstyle. The scar begins right above the ear, extends through the natural crease found in front of your ear, and stops at the bottom of the ear rather than extending on behind your ear. Without long scars visible behind the ear, you’ll hardly notice any difference with any hairstyle. It won’t disturb your sideburns or hairline either.
It’s a technique loved by athletes and anyone that is required to wear their hair up for work. The ponytail facelift is ideal for those in their 40s and 50s that are just beginning to notice the signs of aging in their lower face. As you reach your 60s and continue to age, you’re likely to have a greater amount of skin to remove, which will require a longer incision. The ponytail facelift incision is typically half the length of what is needed in traditional methods.
How a Ponytail Facelift is Performed
This procedure can be performed comfortably in the office. A local or twilight sedative is all that is needed. This is a plus for those concerned with risks associated with a general anesthetic. You can have this type of facelift done along with other facial procedures such as laser resurfacing, an eyelid lift, fat grafting, or microdermabrasion. The doctor will make an incision in front of the ear within the natural creases. This allows the scar to be less visible.
Once the incision is made, the skin is lifted from the fat and muscle found underneath. This fat is trimmed and suctioned from the neck and chin to form a wrinkle-free, natural-looking jawline. The underlying muscle tissue(SMAS) is tightened, and the excess skin is removed. The superficial musculoaponeurotic system(SAMS) refers to the layer of fibrous tissue and muscle that starts in front of the ear and extends down through the neck.
What to Expect During and After
Your ponytail facelift will make you look five to ten years younger. The entire process takes only one to three hours. You’ll be back to work and your normal activities within five days to two weeks, but you’ll want to avoid vigorous activity for two to three weeks. Side effects may include redness, swelling, and bruising, but this typically goes away within seven to ten days. Occasionally, patients experience numbness in their cheeks. This goes away during your recovery time without any further issues.
The muscles that raise the bottom corners of your mouth and those that raise your eyebrows may feel weak for a short period after the surgery, but once this is over, you can begin enjoying the many benefits of a ponytail facelift. You’ll have only a small scar that’s well hidden, without any extensive scarring behind your ear. You’ll love how it rejuvenates the mid and lower section of your face, and it won’t alter the hairline. With this type of facelift, you will find that there is less risk of injury to the nerves in the face, and there is a lower risk of earlobe distortion.
If you are looking for a procedure that’ll take years off of your lower and central facial features without leaving behind extensive scarring, the ponytail facelift is the perfect solution. The procedure is done in the office with a short recovery time that will leave you with minimal scarring and allow you to continue wearing your hair up without worries.