Do You Know Anupama Written Update?

Anupama’s BP has shot up and she is feeling guilty about not protecting Kinjal. In this Anupama Written Update, we will discuss Anupama’s relationship with Leela and the relationship with Kinjal. We will also see how she has gotten closer to Leela and why she is still hesitant to protect her. The following episode will reveal the answer to these questions. Continue reading to find out.

Anupama’s BP has shot up

Anupama’s BP has increased drastically after a major shock. The doctors advise the family to call the hospital as soon as Anu’s condition worsens. Samar insists on Vanraj telling the truth, but Baa stands by him. Meanwhile, Anupama asks everyone to leave her alone. She is sobbing over the recent incidents that have caused her BP to spike so high.

The family members are distraught and anxious, but Leela is hopeful that Vanraj will persuade Anupama to reconsider her decision. After a meeting with the family, Anupama’s BP has shot up, and the doctor says she’s stressed out. She panics, and she recalls the romance between Kavya and Vanraj. Leela hopes that Vanraj will convince her to reconsider her decision.

Anupama’s relationship with Leela

Anupama and Leela have been in love for many years but after several heartbreaks and divorces, their relationship has come to a standstill. Leela’s insecurities about marriage and Vanraj’s refusal to help her make a decision prompt them to separate. The following day, Vanraj and Anupamaa face each other and Anupamaa confronts them. They both explain that they acted for the betterment of the family and that they had no intention of cheating on each other.

However, Vanraj and Anupama’s relationship goes sour when Leela’s true intentions are revealed. Leela pretends to love Anupama when he actually hates her. He makes Anupama believe that he loves her but in reality he doesn’t and rekindles his relationship with Ritika. Leela’s real intention is to use Vanraj and Anupama as an ‘inspirational’ bride, but she has no plans of getting married herself.

Anupama’s relationship with Kinjal

Anupama is having a problem with Kinjal. He is very late at night and she is often teased by him. However, after Anu apologizes to him, he comes back and starts dating her. After the break up, Kinjal is still in love with Anupama, so he is more inclined to pursue her. However, the problem is far from over and both the lovers are still in love with each other.

Anupama and Kinjal’s relationship has been in the news lately. Their love story started in the last episode with Anupama confessing her feelings to Anuj. The two were in love and Anuj cannot believe it. However, Kinjal’s breakup will be revealed in the next episode. Anupama prepares her favorite breakfast for Kinjal before he leaves. But he comes back home very late and leaves without having breakfast. Kinjal gets upset with Kavya and Vanraj, and the two decide to split up.

Anupama’s guilt over not protecting Kinjal

Vanraj accuses the Kapadiya women of negligence and threatens to put the children in danger if they don’t do their jobs. But Anupama’s guilt over not protecting Kinjal makes her cry. She then tells Vanraj that her fault in not protecting Kinjal is not her fault, and she has no reason to feel guilty. Vanraj loses his cool and attacks Anupama.

Anupama returns home and finds Kinjal and the baby unharmed. Anuj tells her that Kinjal and the baby are safe, but Anupama is crying with guilt. Vanraj yells at Anupama, telling her to stop. Anuj tries to console her, but she insists on calling him rudely. Vanraj becomes upset with her, and Anuj warns him not to speak rudely to her.

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