Best Tablets for Stomach Pain: 9 Top Medication and Natural Remedies

Just like other human ailments, we have formulated the best tablets for stomach pain as well. A stomach pain normally appears as a symptom for numerous problems, more frequently gastrointestinal problems. Both OTC and Natural Unani meds can cure stomach pain but we trust on unani products more for their natural and organic composition. Are you interested in finding herbal remedies for stomach pain?  Surely, you will be! Just give a glimpse to this article. This is going to help you a lot in stomach pain treatments later. 

Best Tablets for Stomach Pain

Here I have enlisted 9 best tablets for stomach pain that might be helpful for you in future exposures. 

Sr. #Unani Best Tablets for Stomach PainEffective for 
1.Habbe Papita Indigestion, stomachache
2.Habbe RaalGastric & Intestinal Wounds
3.Ajmali Stomach Issues
4.Basant MaltiDigestive System
5.Qurs PudinaDigestion Issues
6.Habbe Kabid NaushadriIndigestion 
7.Qurs BisbasaStrengthen Stomach Functions
8.Qurs HeelStomach Pain & Diarrhea 
9.Hab Hiltit AjmaliIndigestion 

Habbe Papita | For Indigestion & Stomach Pain

This herbal pill contains Papita Khushk (Papaya) as an active component. Papaya is a fruit with an excess amount of vitamin A and C. Due to its composition, it behaves as an antioxidant. Likewise, it aids in digestion. Hence, it cures indigestion and stomach ache as a result. 

Habbe Raal | Gastric & Intestinal Wounds

It is a solid herbal best tablet for stomach pain. Habbe raal has several other therapeutic applications as well. For instance, it is effective in Ishal (Diarrhoea), Maghs (Tenesmus), Qurooh-e-Meda (Gastric Ulcer), and Qurooh-e-IsnaAshri (Duodenal Ulcers). Its retentice (habis) and cicatrizant (Mudammil) properties provide such versatility to habbe raal.

Ajmali | For Stomach Pain

We made it by burg-e-sudab which is a stimulating, antispasmodic, and stomachic agent. Moreover, it acts as irritant, abortifacient and used as an emmenagogue. All these properties make it effective for stomach pain due to menstrual cramps.

Basant Malti | For Digestive System

These tablets play a significant role in dealing with various digestive ailments. Infact, they provide strength to stomach muscle and intestinal wall for improving digestion. So, those who have weak stomach and face stomach pain can trust basant malti for cure. 

Qurs Pudina | For Digestion Issues

These are plant-derived best tablets for stomach pain. As the word “Pudina” in the name suggests that they are made from pudina (Mint). Therefore, the anti-inflammatory and cooling property of qurs podina is due to menthol in mint. It relaxes the abdominal cramps, especially in IBS.  

Habbe Kabid Naushadri | For Indigestion Issues

It contains Naushader which has long been used for its carminative and digestive properties. In fact, these tablets are the best tablets for stomach pain in diarrhea and abdominal colic. In addition to these medicinal uses, it also acts as a good appetizer. 

Qurs Bisbasa | Strengthens Stomach Functions

We use nutmeg ((Myristica Fragrans Hout) which is an aromatic plant for the preparation of these herbal qurs. We are familiar with properties of the plant such as: emmenagogue, nervine, diuretic, diaphoretic, and aphrodisiac

Therefore, qurs bisbasa has remarkable medicinal uses. We use these qurs for curing stomach pain as per the directions of respective healthcare personnel. In fact, these qurs have multiple uses. For instance, they can relieve us from diarrhea symptoms, ulcer, indigestion, and liver problems. 

Qurs Heel | Stomach Pain & Diarrhea

These are the best tablets for stomach pain (badhazmi ka ilaj) and related indigestion symptoms. As it contains elaichi khurd (Elettaria cardamomum) as its main component, it is a strong antioxidant. Therefore, we use these tablets for detoxifying the stomach and getting cured as a result. 

Hab Hiltit Ajmali | For Indigestion

This is the unani formulation for indigestion that contains 13 ingredients in total. One out of 13 is Hing (Asafoetida ferula). It is a rich source of fibers. Since medieval times, we have been aware of its role in digestion. Since The hing ingredient has traditional applications for treatment of:

  • Stomachache
  • Flatulence
  • Weak digestion
  • Intestinal parasites
  • Ulcer
  • Whooping
  • Asthma

From the aforementioned description, we confer that we have no less variety of best tablets for stomach pain. Normally, we select a tablet for stomach pain by considering the causative factors behind the symptoms. Self-medication must be avoided at first instance. As you can never say which symptoms are for which disease specially, when different digestive problems share more or less same symptoms. Respective healthcare personnel can help you out to make a good use of the table for fast recovery.

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