A good teacher is one of the best resources a new teacher can have in the exciting and challenging first years of class. If you are a skilled teacher who wants to develop and practice your leadership skills, you may consider becoming a professional mentor for teachers who are just beginning their careers. Working with a new teacher in person is a great way to use your years of knowledge, mentoring skills, and experience to benefit others – and as a bonus, it can improve your understanding of your skills and strengths.
How Educators Can Improve Their Mentoring Skills
Think About the Mentoring You Have Received as a New Teacher
Who were your teachers when you were starting, and how could or did you not help when you created your teaching career? Think about the areas where you need the most support as a first-year teacher and whether you have received that support from your teachers. Are there any general changes you can make to the teaching process?
Evaluate the Culture of the School Where You Teach
Think about what new teachers at your school could experience if they lived there. Are more experienced teachers and staff hospitable and collegial, and in what way? Does your school offer resources to help new teachers learn the ropes and navigate their daily schedules? What steps can you take now to understand the culture of your school for a recent teacher?
Determine What Qualities Make an Effective Teacher Educator
Try to contact a teacher education program or an official adaptation program in your state for new teachers and ask about their expectations from teacher training. What skills would you rate most important to teachers, and how would you rate them?
Record, Evaluate and Reflect on Your Learning
Video is a fast and inexpensive way for teachers to consider their learning skills and qualities as potential role models for new teachers. Upload a video where you learn and watch it privately. In what areas of your faith are you a good role model? Are there areas where you think you can improve?
Gather Valuable Resources
Make a list of the resources you find most helpful in your career. You can also share with them how students can avail take my online wgu exam services to do good in exams. Include any books that have helped you shape your philosophy or teaching practice, articles on how you have saved for future use, or keep the websites and blogs you have identified for inspiration and technical assistance. Prepare and format this list so that it is ready to be shared with new teachers in your school or district.
Watch and Record What Suits You
If you don’t have one yet, start keeping records of evidence-based practices and a diary of practical techniques that work well in your classroom. These can be valuable resources that you can share with a teacher who is just starting.
Signs of Your Willingness to Help
Contact the faculty as part of a local teacher training program that places student teachers. Let your school and district administration staff know that you are interested in being a teacher.
Think Outside the Classroom
Sometimes logistics can prevent you from working with an instructor who can benefit from your lesson. If you can’t work with a teacher face-to-face, consider using technology (online videos, chat, etc.) to interact and share suggestions remotely or out of hours. Explain to them about what are the benefits of pay someone to take my online wgu exam services and how it can help students to achieve their dream degree.
Communicate With Respect and Positively
If you are mentoring a fellow teacher, listen, observe, and build a relationship before advising him. Always start your teaching session by providing positive feedback before discussing areas where the teacher needs some support – make straightforward suggestions for improvement immediately. To help print future discussions, regularly document your teaching sessions, provide a copy of the documentation for the teacher you are teaching, and watch how your mentor does.