5 Homeschooling tips for your 5 years old kid

With the increasing pace of life and packed schedules, it is becoming more difficult for parents to manage time so as to give all their children the attention they need. The school syllabus has also expanded to accommodate the changing times. Some schools are now offering extra-curricular activities in music and art along with standard courses in science, math, English and social studies.

This growing trend of homeschooling makes your job easier and also gives you a sense of satisfaction that you are doing something that matters for your child’s future. Let us see how you can home-school your 5-year-old child without putting any strain on yourself or them.

Decide what you want to teach

One of the first things to decide is what you want to teach your child. The syllabus will be a good guide here. Of course, you need to include some extra topics of your choice. This will help you to understand your child’s level of understanding. If you are planning to teach math, you will also have to have a few basic concepts in place.

Make sure you are familiar with the concepts such as numbers, operations, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, geometry, etc. You can check online or go through books. You can also get in touch with a nearby school and seek the guidance of their teachers. Knowing what topics to teach your child will also help you in planning the syllabus for the year.

Organise your home for effective homeschooling

You should make your home an ideal place for teaching and learning. There are a few things you can do so that your home is conducive to learning. Include some wall art that can inspire your 5-year-old and give them visuals of the topics you are teaching. This will help them have a better understanding of the subject. You can also use posters to illustrate simple mathematical formulae or chemical reactions. You can also use colourful images so that the learning process is exciting for them. Once your child grows up, the posters can be replaced by paintings or photographs of your choice.

Games and activities for effective learning

You should not only be focused on teaching your 5-year-old child but also on the methods you are using to do so. You should try to engage the child in the learning process so that they grasp the concepts easily. You can also use games and activities to make the process of learning more interesting. There are some of the best educational toys for 5 year olds are available on GIGI Bloks. Buy them and add to the gaming activities.

Also, some of the games and activities that you can use are Painting, Drawing, Colouring, Creative writing, Simple science experiments, Fingerplays, Rhymes, Puzzles, Reading books, and Playing with toys that help in the learning process such as construction toys, etc. These will not only be fun for your child but will also help them better understand the topics you are teaching. They will also have the advantage of learning while having fun.

Tips for hosting effective homeschooling sessions

The child’s age, interest, level of understanding and the topics you are teaching are all factors that will determine how you go about the homeschooling sessions. For instance, if you are teaching your 5-year-old about shapes, you can use different shaped objects such as fruits, toys, etc. You can also use colourful pictures of various shapes or use software that can teach them about shapes and colours. If you are teaching basic math such as addition, subtraction, etc., you can use toys or candies or other objects that can be arranged so that the child can learn the basic concepts. You can also use software to teach them the concepts. The important thing is that you are making the child understand the topic in a fun way.


Homeschooling a 5-year-old child can be challenging at times, but if you can manage to keep the child engaged in the process, they will understand the topics better. A child this age is still in the learning process, so you can make a few adjustments in the way you go about homeschooling. You can also use technology to make the process easier. While you can expect your child to be ready for formal education at the age of 5, you don’t have to put a lot of pressure on them to excel at a particular level. The key is to make sure that they are ready for formal education at this age.

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